Published on May 5, 2005 By killer blog In Blogging
going to try and do some kind of stream of consciousness thing. write as often as i can and as much.

today sucked. it SUCKED. i found out today after two weeks of working six days a week with my boss being gone, another out on vacation and yet another having a freaking HEART ATTACK at work, i have to yet work another six days this week so he can have 2 days off. eh??

i need the money but i'm going nutso. i need time off.

the baby comes in two weeks. three kids...holy shit.


on May 05, 2005
Damn KB...You are the one who needs a paid vacation. I know how it is (well minus the three kids). My bosses either vacation, or find some other reason for me and my co workers to do their jobs for them as well.

Just remember one thing ok? You're working for those little ones futures. The harder you work, the better it will be for them so they don't end up like us